Fabsil is a trusted brand for silicone waterproofer, offering effective protection for your static caravan and outdoor gear. Whether you're looking to safeguard tents, awnings, or other fabric-based items, Fabsil provides long-lasting water resistance, keeping your belongings dry and protected.
Ideal for protecting fabrics from water damage and extending the life of your outdoor gear, Fabsil silicone waterproofer is easy to apply and incredibly effective. Perfect for those who want to ensure their caravan stays dry and comfortable, even in wet conditions.
Browse our Fabsil range today and give your caravan fabric the ultimate protection against the elements. Stay dry and enjoy your trips with confidence!
We offer accounts to all of our trade customers. There are two types; Credit Accounts and Cash Accounts. They both give trade price benefits, with the credit accounts offering monthly credit facilities, and the Cash Accounts enabling you to pay as you go.