Whether you have a technical question about a product, need an update on your order status, or wish to return something, you should find everything you need in this help centre.
I want to return an item
You no longer require an item or have ordered something incorrectly
I have a problem with my order
You did not get what you expected or items have arrived damaged
I have a warranty claim
You have a product installed and need to submit a warranty claim form
I want to cancel an order
We recommend calling us if the items you ordered were in stock at the time of purchase, as our order processing is very fast
Where is my order?
Get an update on the status of your order
I need some paperwork
I need an invoice or a credit note
Product enquiry
Do you have a question about a product?
I want to make a complaint
Your feedback is important to us
Still stuck? Read our FAQ's
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Apply for a credit account
As a trade customer you can apply for a credit account
We aim for all of our customers to be extremely satisfied with all goods and services we provide.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with our sales team should you have any queries.
Email us at customerservices@arleigh.co.uk
Office Hours: 9.00am - 5.15pm
We’d love to keep you updated on the latest news and offers by email.