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The move to our new location is now complete! We're excited about the enhanced service and increased efficiency it will bring. While we adjust to the new warehouse, there may be minor delays in order fulfillment. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we settle into our new home.

COVID-19 Update



Updated 30/04/2020

To all Customers, 

Firstly, I hope that you are all well, also your families and colleagues, and that you are managing your business through these challenging times.  

I wanted to bring you up to date with recent developments within the Arleigh Group, as we are starting to see a careful relaxation of measures in Europe, and it seems likely that we will follow this within the UK over next few weeks. 

We remain open at our 3 primary hubs – Century Park, Luton, and Beccles – and are therefore able to continue to supply 100% of our products. Our other branch sites remain closed, although we have an operating team at Aquafax Hamble in order to access the large additional stocks that we keep at this location. 

We have maintained high levels of stock across our locations, and this has been topped-up in line with current and anticipated requirements through May and June. Therefore, we are well-prepared to meet any increase in demand.   

I appreciate that most businesses have had partial closures and have seen heavily impacted revenues during the start of the busiest period of the year, across the leisure industry. Arleigh are committed to supporting our customers during this time and ask you to keep us updated of your plans during the return-to-work phase. 

Please stay safe during these difficult times, we hope you can resume trading at full capacity shortly.

With best regards,

Adam Ramsden 
Group Managing Director 


Following the Government announcement and guidelines that were issued this week, we have taken further measures to protect the welfare of our staff and customers. We took early action to minimise risk at all sites, and for over a week we have been operating with significantly reduced levels of staff. As a distribution business, it is important that we try to maintain the availability of parts to our customers, many of whom require these for their permanent homes – narrowboats, mobile and static caravans. This week we closed the trade-only outlets for Aquafax, and our Midland Chandlers stores, immediately following the announcement on 23rd March 2020. We are no longer receiving goods from suppliers, however, we are carrying good stocks of all key lines.

For the time being, we continue to take orders, but we are now operating on minimum operating staff numbers from our distribution-hub locations only. All other staff where possible are working from home. This will be reviewed again early next week.

These are challenging times, and I want to thank you for working with us as customers, suppliers and business partners during this period.

Please continue to communicate with us, and highlight if there is anything that we can do to support your business. 

Key Contacts:

Shirley Herbert
Arleigh UK Sales Manager
Tel: 02476390100/ Mob: 07821775772

Philippe Delmarre
Export Manager 
Tel: 02476390113

Darren Kilby
External Sales Manager
Mob: 07984207754

James Fischer
North East Sales Rep
Mob: 07983 285533

David Wood
South West Sales Rep
Mob: 07836 226793

Carl Lascelles
North West Sales Rep
Mob: 07973874175

Stuart Dickson
Scotland Sales Rep
Mob: 07980972651

Stay safe and well.

With best regards,

Adam Ramsden
Arleigh Group Managing Director


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